Special Report: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE - How would you like to work for Shinra ?
Mako energy: It sustains our very way of life. And the dominant player in mako industries is, of course, the Shinra Electric Power Company.
That’s why it’s arguably the most sought-after employer - and why we’re bringing you this special report, to help you decide if they might be a good fit for you!
What’s Shinra’s philosophy? We visit the company to find out
Many job hunters find themselves mired in indecision - there are just so many potential employers out there, operating in so many sectors. But it’s hard to deny that one company stands out among all the rest. We paid Shinra a visit to gain insight into some of their less-publicized aspects - things like their business and environmental policies, their history and goals, and their approach to societal issues.
To start with, an overview of Shinra. In a word, it’s an “integrated energy company,” one that handles everything from the extraction of mako from beneath us up to its supply. With its HQ and eight of its reactors in Midgar, it powers the entire city and beyond. The energy it reliably supplies was also the main driver behind Midgar’s rise to becoming the world’s premier economic center. Yet the company’s efforts do not stop there. They continue to expand their already extensive and varied operations, which range from transportation and distribution, to training and education, municipal development, and military affairs. Going right back to the discovery of mako energy, their commitment to innovation has been unfaltering.
The Shinra Electric Power Company is clearly much more than a provider of energy and infrastructure - it’s an organization that tirelessly strives to meet humanity’s needs and create new value.
Employees are able to utilize their skills right from the start and contribute to society in a wide range of ways. They’re an employer you can trust to take of you, and help develop you as a professional.
And what’s the driving force behind Shinra’s seemingly inexhaustible innovations? We’ll be taking a closer look at what makes the company so special, beginning with a visit to a mako reactor - the technology upon which so much of their business depends.
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Mako reactors: The engine behind the core operations of this elite company
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Midgar’s monolithic mako reactors mark the perimeter of the city, and count among its most famous landmarks. We’ll be going inside one, before heading over to Shinra Headquarters.
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Mako is an energy source well-suited to many applications - it can power engines, generate electricity, and even produce items used to wield magic.
With the development of its mako operations, Shinra adopted a blue ocean strategy which has put it in a class of its own. Save for the unlikely event that the resource is somehow exhausted, the company looks to have a rock-solid business foundation that will last far into the future.
The miracle of mako has seen Midgar evolve into an affluent metropolis, with no shortage of employment opportunities - something all of its residents are grateful for. There are few who would - or indeed, could - deny Shinra’s contribution to this feat, or its central role in the global economy.
When seeing the shine of the mako reactors in the Midgar night, one cannot help but look forward to the brilliant future the company has envisioned for us.
Because of their critical importance, the reactors are rigorously guarded. Massive numbers of Shinra Public Security operatives are stationed at them - and this is justified given the threat posed by Avalanche. By thwarting these extremists’ attempts to disrupt mako supplies, Shinra defends not only the city and its residents, but civilization itself. The initiative the company has shown in building up a highly advanced security force is truly commendable.
Shinra’s proficiency at identifying and dealing with risk makes it abundantly clear that they are among the best of the best.
Shinra’s head office - a hub of mako-powered innovation
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Here we’ll cover part of the tour Shinra offers of its headquarters.
This is it - a 70-story skyscraper right in the middle of Midgar. It’s where all vital aspects of the business are managed.
It is a dominating yet reassuring presence in the skyline, with its central Shinra logo radiating dignity, and its neon lights and countless gleaming windows indicating hope for the future.
Head through the main entrance and take the escalator up, and you’ll find a stylish cafe.
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On the 59th floor is the Skyview Hall. The panoramic view, looking down on the skyscrapers of Midgar, surely provides those who work here with daily inspiration. Riding the elevator up for a meeting with one of Shinra’s top executives, employees might ponder how they belong to an organization whose enterprises have a truly global reach.
The 60th floor is a memorial museum of sorts. It contains three explanatory booths, covering the accomplishments of President Shinra, the company’s development projects, and the relationship between Midgar and mako energy.
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The 62th floor is a library. It’s administered by a robot librarian with high-grade AI, another demonstration of the company’s technological prowess. Even in a seemingly minor area such as this, Shinra puts its cutting-edge tech to use.
The extravagant President's Office is located at the very top, the 70th floor. Here, you’ll find President Shinra and the rest of the company’s top executives. Let’s take a look at the personnel here. After all, these are the people from who Shinra’s innovations ultimately originate from.
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Mr. Palmer, the head of the Space and Aeronautics Division to who we were introduced in the Memorial Museum. Here he can be seen relaxing with a cup of tea. Shinra truly employs the best of the best, and the ability to interact with the top talent who continually flock here is one of the most enticing aspects a position with the company offers.
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Rufus Shinra, the company’s vice president. Highly influential, plus handsome and wealthy to boot, he’s considered even more capable than his formidable father, the current president. A true doer who follows his instincts, he excels at strategically planning for the long term, while wooing many with his charisma. With people like this supporting the president, it’s no wonder the company has been as successful as it has. One day, the burden of leading Shinra into the future will fall to Rufus Shinra.

And, finally, President Shinra himself. When analysts are asked to pinpoint what lies behind his trailblazing ways, they often cite his lofty vision - of building an ideal world through the power of mako - and his unparalleled ability to turn proposals into concrete results.
The President’s foresight and administrative skill made Shinra into the giant it is today, and he’s widely credited as the man who laid the foundations for Midgar’s prosperity. With his distinguished presence extending to seemingly every inch of the company, Shinra’s core is the president himself.
The Shinra Electric Power Company - What reason is there to not apply?
Having read this coverage of mako reactors and the company tour, you should now be in a better position to make that all-important decision about your career path. Wherever you decide to work, there’s no doubt that all businesses should try to learn from the methods of this remarkable company - one that has grown to become a central entity in our daily lives, acts as a global leader, provides profound innovation, and offers a compelling vision for the future.
We expect that Shinra won’t become complacent about their unrivaled status in the world economy, and will continue to push humanity forward with their ambitious plan of supplying mako energy to all.
So how about it, everyone? We’re looking forward to hearing about your company entry exam results. You’ve got it in you! As the tour is open to all, we highly recommend joining one if you’re struggling for a direction in your job hunt. Come and see the city with your own eyes, and find out for yourself how Shinra’s work contributes to our lives.
(To be continued)
(All screenshots shown here are from the Japanese version of the PlayStation®4 edition of the game.)
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