株式会社スクウェア・エニックス(本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役社長:桐生 隆司、以下スクウェア・エニックス)は、好評配信中の『パワーウォッシュ シミュレーター』について、有料ダウンロードコンテンツ「不思議の国のアリス特別依頼」を配信開始いたしました。
※本コンテンツを利用するためには「PowerWash Simulator」ゲーム本編が必要です。
『パワーウォッシュ シミュレーター』とは
『パワーウォッシュ シミュレーター』は、かつてない安らぎをプレイヤーに提供する、癒し系シミュレーターゲームです。勢いよく噴射する心地よい水の音に心をゆだねて、現実のストレスなんて綺麗さっぱり忘れ去りましょう。高圧洗浄機を手に、新しいツールやアップグレードをアンロックして、より効率的に洗浄を行っていきます。どんな汚れも、あなたの前ではなすすべもなく洗い流されます。
<Tomb Raider Special Pack> Whilst some seek the thrill of adventure, others prefer good clean fun -that's where you come in! Grapple with grime in the ultimate quest to defeat all dirt covering Croft Manor and its grounds, along with Lara's trusty vehicles.
<MidgarSpecial Pack> Your PowerWashingservices are needed in Midgar! Experience Final Fantasy VII like never before as you're commissioned to clean up some of its most iconic vehicles and locations. Combine the super-soothing fun of PowerWashSimulator with the gritty and gripping world of Final Fantasy VII.
<SpongeBob SquarePants™Special Pack> Players will clean off the slime and grime covering the iconic undersea city of Bikini Bottom, courtesy of the super-soothing simulator.This underwater expansion features a new mini-campaign, six new maps, a redesigned player character model, ten new achievements and more.
<Back to the Future Special Pack> With filming schedules running tight, you're in for one electrifying ride to spray down everything from the Time Machine to the HolomaxTheater before you're "OUTATIME".Make power wash history by blasting every spec of dirt and grime from heavy use, debris from explosive scenes and temporal ice from... well, we're not actually sure where that came from.
<Warhammer 40,000 Special Pack> Praise the Omnissiah! You are blessed with an all new Adeptus Mechanicuscharacter model and well-equipped for the ritual cleansing with a custom MKII Aqua-SanticaArquebus power washer; the perfect fusion of human and machine.